The Shores of Lycia 2024

The Shores of Lycia

A Gulet Tour

Friday 7 – Friday 21 June 2024

Offered in tandem, for those who wish, with a short land tour (4-7 June) of magnificent sites within reach of Antalya


A glorious fortnight exploring ancient  Lycia in a gulet, a traditional Turkish schooner as comfortable as she is romantic, in the company of veteran Turkey hands travel writer Jeremy Seal and archaeologist Yunus Özdemir.  Jeremy and Yunus have devoted much of their working lives to immersing themselves in Turkey; they retain a rare passion for the country.  Experienced and attentive guides, they boast an unrivalled knowledge of this coast’s history, culture, topography, ancient ruins – and places for lunch.  Gulet captain Alettin, with whom Jeremy and Yunus have worked for years, knows the best swimming spots and the most secluded anchorages better than anybody.

Excellent food both onboard and onshore, little-visited ancient sites, expert guides, informed talks, delightful swim spots and idyllic overnight anchorages.  There is no better way to explore the Turkish Mediterranean.

Those who wish may begin by joining us on a short land tour, from 4-7 June, taking in Sagalassos, Kibyra and Perge.

Site gradings in bold indicate how uneven and/or steep the going will be underfoot; A-C are generally manageable, D may well be an issue for some, and E, should you ever come across the designation, is exclusively for goats.

Day 1/Fri 7 June 2024: Guests are met at Antalya Airport for the hour-long transfer to Kemer where our gulet and dinner await.

Day 2/Sat 8 June 2024: A lazy day pottering along the coast as far as Phaselis (A), a delightful timbered Roman harbour site at the foot of Mount Olympus.  We overnight in a nearby cove.

Day 3/Sun 9 June 2024: We put ashore for our visit to Termessos (C), a sublime site in the Pisidian mountains with an especially magnificent theatre.  After picnicking at the site we continue to Antalya for the city’s archaeological museum, with its magnificent displays of Roman statuary.  After a long day we rejoin the gulet at Çıralı.

Day 4/Mon 10 June 2024: After breakfast we put ashore to visit the atmospheric riverside ruins of Olympos (A/B), with its extensive Bishop’s Palace (6th century AD) converted from the 1st-century Temple of Hadrian.  We also visit the remarkable Yanartas (B/C), legendary lair of the dragon Chimaera, where natural gas vents ignite as they issue from a hillside.  We overnight in a nearby cove.

Day 5/Tues 11 June 2024:  A day lazing among the remote and lovely Gelidonya Islands before continuing onto our evening anchorage at Karataş.

Day 6/Wed 12 June 2024:  We put ashore where a minibus awaits to transfer us to Arycanda (B/C), an idyllic city site set in the wooded hills of the interior.  After a sumptuous village lunch at the home of the site’s retired guardian, we return to the gulet to overnight in a quiet cove at Kekova.

Day 7/Thurs 13 June 2024:  From Andriake we visit the Byzantine Basilica Church of St Nicholas (A), among the most revered of the saints (and the inspiration for Santa Claus), and nearby Roman Myra (A).  We spend the evening in a remote anchorage on Kekova Island.

Day 8/Fri 14 June 2024:  After breakfast we walk to Istlada (B/C), a wonderfully atmospheric Lycian settlement deep in the woods.  In the afternoon we put in at Simena (B/C) to explore this delightful citadel village and necropolis.

Day 9/Sat 15 June 2024:  We put ashore for the brief journey to Apollonia (C), a rarely visited Lycian site where an optional 2-hour walk along the waymarked Lycian Way (B/C) brings us to the gulet at Aperlae.  We continue eastwards to overnight at Limanağzı.

Day 10: Sun 16 June 2024:  After breakfast we put into the harbour town of Kaş (A/B), with its Lycian rock tombs, fine theatre, charming back streets and attractive shops.  In the afternoon we continue onto our anchorage at Firnaz where we put ashore for the optional half-hour walk to Delikkemer (B/C), a remarkable Roman aqueduct.

Day 11/Mon 17 June: We board our minibus for the 45-minute drive to magnificent Pınara (B/C), among the most remote and lovely of the Lycian cities.  After lunching in a village house just below the site, we rejoin the gulet at Gemiler. In the late afternoon we explore the Byzantine monastic ruins of St Nicholas’ Island (B/C).

Day 12/Tues 18 June 2024: After breakfast we put ashore for the visit to nearby Kayaköy/Levissi (B/C), where we walk the haunting ruins of a Christian village that has stood abandoned since the population exchanges of 1923.  We lunch in the village.  We return to the gulet and we make for our overnight anchorage at Batik Hamam.

Day 13/Weds 19 June 2024: A stiff but magnificent 2.5-hr walk (optional) brings us to Lydae (B/C), a remote and atmospheric city site and thence to our overnight anchorage at Ağlımanı.

Day 14/Thurs 20 June 2024:  An early start for Iztuzu, where we board a shaded caique for our visit up the Dalyan River to Kaunos (A/B), another port city distinguished by fascinating recent archaeological discoveries.  We lunch by the river before rejoining our gulet for our final night onboard.

Day 15: Fri 21 June 2024: We leave the gulet at Ekincik for transfer to the nearby Dalaman Airport.

For the itinerary on Google Maps click here.

Our tours are designed and run by us.  We make it our business to be there every time you descend a ladder into a dinghy, clamber onto a jetty, wander through an ancient site or along a footpath.  But we cannot always be  your eyes; it pays to be aware that the ground is often uneven, not to say steep, with no shortage of rocky protuberances, in Turkey.  You will need a reasonable level of mobility, balance and fitness.  We grade the sites we visit to the best of our ability, but cannot be absolutely sure that all outings and activities will be within the capabilities of all guests.  We expect you to follow our advice if we feel that an outing, or an element of an outing, is beyond you.  If you are the least uncertain as to your suitability to join a tour, we’d urge you to consult us.


Cost: £4100 per person sharing rooms, £5400 per person in sole occupancy of a cabin.   Price includes all meals, onboard wine, beer and spirits, guiding, entry fees and talks, domestic flights, airport transfers, outings and tips.  Does not include flights, visas or onshore alcohol.  

Your holiday is fully bonded and administered by Heritage Group Travel ( in Bath.  For a small charge Heritage can also assist with your flights. 

The trip will only run with sufficient numbers; early indications of interest are much appreciated.

Enquiries, or to request a printable itinerary, either to or text Jeremy on 07757 703604.